
The O – Shot: The New Trend in Women to Boost Orgasms

The O - Shot: The New Trend in Women to Boost Orgasms

It is crucial to be candid about all aspects of your health – that includes sexual health. How’s your sex life and health? If they are not as wonderful as you want them to be, you should be aware of the O-shot.

What is the O-Shot Treatment?

The O-Shot, marketed as “orgasm shot,” is a form of a PRP injection that boosts sexual satisfaction, among other benefits. The treatment uses your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) from your blood to rejuvenate vaginal and surrounding tissues. In simpler and shorter words, the O-Shot is a PRP treatment for your vagina.

How Does the O-Shot Treatment Work?

The O-Shot works by simply drawing your blood and extracting the Platelet Rich Plasma from it. Then the PRP is injected into the vaginal and clitoral areas. At least, this is the basic explanation of the O-Shot process.

But to help you better understand the process here’s a more in-depth explanation.

What is PRP?

PRP treatments are common for treating athletic injuries. It helps in recovering from surgery and even treats medical concerns such as hair loss. Although experts in the scientific field haven’t yet identified the specifics of its capabilities, PRP has healing and rejuvenating properties.

The growth factors which PRP releases trigger elastin and collagen production. These natural proteins structure, renew, and restore the skin.

When injected into a specific part of the body, PRP releases around 35 healing substances or growth factors. Medical professionals inject PRP into injured areas of the body to naturally and quickly repair the damage.

When you got wounded as a child, you might have noticed yellow fluid coming out before the scab forms. That yellow fluid is platelet-rich plasma. It helps form the pink skin that grows beneath the scab.

PRP And The O – Shot

When having the O-Shot treatment, the healthcare expert will draw your blood from your arm. There is no need to fear; this step in the process is exactly like how a doctor draws blood.

Your blood is taken into a lab and put into a centrifuge to separate platelets from red and white cells. The platelet from your blood is injected into the appropriate vaginal and clitoral sites. They restore thickness and elasticity to the vaginal tissues and plumpen the clitoris for easier stimulation.

Benefits of the O-Shot Treatment

Sexual Pleasure

Just by restoring the thickness and elasticity of the vaginal tissues and plumpening the clitoris, the O-Shot treatment boosts sexual arousal, increases the sensitivity of the vagina and clitoris, and gives you more sexual satisfaction in general.

Additionally, the O-Shot effects start a domino effect that improves your sexual life and health. Increased stimulation induces better lubrication, which eliminates the pain you might feel during sexual intercourse.

Also, the Skene glands, located at the entrance of the urethra, are integrated with the clitoral tissues. By restoring the clitoris, the Skene glands are also fixed. The Skene glands are part of the G-Spot, which helps women reach vaginal orgasm.

Maintaining the health of each part of a woman’s reproductive system is crucial for sexual health and fulfillment. The O-Shot treatment ensures that you restore the structure and function of your sexy parts.

Urinary Incontinence

But aside from sexual pleasure, the O-Shot treatment also helps eliminate urinary incontinence. Without getting into the details of the causes of urinary incontinence, let’s just say that the O-Shot treatment eliminates those causes.

At its core, PRP injected near the urethra replaces old and damaged tissues. The muscles that control urine flow become more robust, and you gain better control over your urination.

What To Expect During The O – Shot Treatment?

The primary concern among women when they hear about the O-Shot treatment is whether it will be painful. The O-Shot treatment is NOT painful.

The doctor, or the injector, will apply a topical anesthetic to the treatment area. A local numbing injection is also administered to ensure the treatment is pain-free on your part.

You will just have to lie down and rest in the entirety of the treatment. The O-Shot treatment just lasts around half an hour. There is no downtime, no recovery period, and no hassle.

You can return to your routine as soon as the treatment is over. You can even have intercourse on that very same day.

However, give the treatment a few weeks to work its natural magic. You will notice results within the first three weeks after the treatment. But the full effects of the treatment will not be complete until around three months after the injection.

You can enjoy the benefits of the O-Shot treatment for as long as twelve to eight months. And if you want to receive another O-Shot PRP once the effects fade, you will be glad to know that the results are cumulative. That means that the effects build upon each other with each treatment you receive.

Are There Side Effects?

As of now, there are no reported severe side effects of this treatment. But some common discomforts associated with the treatment are temporary spotting, mild swelling, and hypersensitivity. But those are expected.

Those effects should dissipate within three days of the treatment. As far as how safe the treatment is, let’s put your concerns to rest. Because the treatment uses platelets your body makes, there are very minimal risks involved; no foreign substance is injected into your body.

Very few women suffer adverse effects from the treatment. It’s best to consult a healthcare professional before you receive the treatment.

Renew Your Sexual Life Today

There’s nothing wrong with seeking to renew your sexual life. There is nothing wrong with talking to a doctor or any healthcare expert about your sexual health. Women, if you are experiencing symptoms of vaginal atrophy or sexual dysfunction, you have to speak with medical professionals liberally.Who knows, maybe all you need is just the O-Shot treatment, which is highly accessible to you. The Wellness Co. is dedicated to bringing out the best in you. Contact us today and attain your life’s maximum potential in beauty and health.

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