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Fit, healthy, and toned bodies result from hard work and dedication at the gym and the kitchen table. However, with your hectic job and family commitments, would you be able to squeeze in a few hours of exercise every few weeks to lose weight? Or, are you limiting your caloric intake to the point where your body’s metabolism can shed the most weight most effectively? Do you spend a lot of time on these essential aspects, yet you still don’t look or feel the way you want? The HCG Diet plan might be just what you’ve been looking for in terms of weight loss.
HCG Diet: What is it
The numerous diet fads and programs available might be overwhelming for anybody looking for a proven strategy to achieve a healthy, sustainable weight while experiencing a higher quality of life and a more positive body image. The HCG Weight Loss program addresses metabolic and hormonal imbalances, frequently contributing to weight gain. It can satisfy your body’s demands while providing significant, long-lasting effects with extra advantages. HCG diet, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone generated by pregnant women used in this diet. When paired with a low-calorie diet, this hormone can encourage the breakdown of other fat cells in the body, resulting in inches lost around the waist when the body digests fat. This hormone also changes hypothalamic activity to control metabolism and reduce hunger long after the diet is completed. This means you won’t feel the typical, intense hunger pangs associated with dieting. By focusing on your body’s fat, the HCG diet helps you maintain your weight loss after the program is over as long as you continue to eat a nutritious diet.
Phases of HCG Diet
Loading Phase of HCG Diet
The Loading Phase refers to the requirement to consume extra calories during this stage or phase of the diet. To prepare for the following phase, you will be advised to eat a lot of fat and calories for two days while taking the HCG diet. However, you should bear in mind that consuming too much food may cause your body to feel uncomfortable and unaccustomed to drastic changes in diet. Furthermore, you don’t want “too much food” to be the fat and calories you’ll burn in the second and third phases.
Weight Loss Phase
This is the diet’s most demanding component. You’ll keep taking the HCG diet while consuming only 500 calories per day. Depending on the intended weight loss goal, the time might last from 3 to 6 weeks. Meals are typically divided into two meals: lunch, dinner, breakfast, and supper, or breakfast and lunch. Which is the most effective? Some claim that supper is one of the best meals to skip because you’ll be putting your body to sleep at night. On the other hand, most candidates choose breakfast since it is an excellent habit to start the day with enough food in the stomach. This is totally up to you, as long as you keep the 500 calorie restriction in mind.
Maintenance Phase
By this point, you’ve shed a significant amount of body mass and fat due to the diet. However, this is regarded as the critical stage in determining whether you will lose, maintain, or gain weight. You’re ready to stop taking the HCG diet at this point. You may gradually increase your calorie and food consumption or stick to your diet until you reach your desired body weight.
During the Maintenance Phase, you must remember not to lose your food discipline. You should avoid foods that are heavy in sugar and carbohydrate. With an increase in metabolism and a reduction in calorie consumption, you are well on your way to shedding extra fat and undesired weight. The HCG Diet plan is a consistently successful and safe routine that can positively improve your life. However, a gentle reminder: depending on the individual, when they make a sudden and drastic change in their diet, the body may enter a famine state in which it restricts and reduces the number of calories that it burns. The starving stage causes the body to believe that it has to store more energy to be more sustainable.
This is why you should think about doing some exercise. It doesn’t have to be as strenuous as you see in sports and workouts. Instead, by including mild to moderate exercise into your routine, you will be unstoppable in the pursuit of your objective. A little workout of 10 to 15 minutes each day is sufficient to burn more calories and reduce the starving state that your body believes it is in.
Is it safe
HCG injections have been utilized in the medical world for decades. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is found in modest levels in both men and women and has been used to treat conditions ranging from infertility in women to undescended testicles in teenage boys. When a woman becomes pregnant, this particular hormone reaches its peak and is found mainly in the placenta, communicating to the rest of the body that she is pregnant. HCG injections for weight loss were initially proposed in the 1950s, but are they still safe today? When HCG is administered to help with weight reduction, it tells the hypothalamus to start releasing and burning the body’s stored fat deposits. These deposits, which your body uses to store energy, can form fat pockets anyplace on your body. They can cause lumps or rolls and influence your health, exercise level, and self-esteem. HCG injections are a safe way to diminish or eradicate these fat deposits. When paired with a particular 500-calorie diet, these injections can result in faster, more successful weight reduction in as little as eight weeks. This procedure is always thoroughly monitored by one of our experienced doctors.
Are you A Candidate For HCG
The HCG diet might be perfect for you if you’re an adult who is overweight and seeking a rigorous, successful weight loss regimen. This diet needs a significant degree of dedication to produce the desired outcomes. Furthermore, prospective participants must undertake a medical history check and a health evaluation by a medical practitioner to confirm that this diet is good for them.
The HCG Weight Loss treatment is one of the most extreme diets available today. Yet, it has been shown to help you lose weight while regulating your hormone levels, increasing your energy, and lowering your cholesterol. Its key advantage is that it resets your metabolism, which can positively affect your body once you finish the program and follow a balanced, nutritious diet and exercise lifestyle.
If you’re ready to learn more, contact us at the The Wellness Co. to schedule a consultation! We are excited to serve you.