
How Painful Is Electrolysis Versus Laser Hair Removal?

Lady Undergoing Laser Hair Removal Procedure at Santee, CA

Electrolysis and laser hair removal has increased in fame in recent years as permanent methods of hair removal. Both procedures eliminate the hair by targeting the hair follicles located beneath the skin’s surface to stop the growth of hair from the root. But, what’s the difference between these two procedures? How painful is electrolysis versus laser hair removal? Keep reading below to know the exact answer.

About Electrolysis

The process of electrolysis functions by putting a precise device into the skin utilizing controlled hair follicles to curb the growth of new hair and leading to the falling of existing hairs. A board-certified licensed dermatologist or electrologist must execute the treatment and involves injecting a probe into an individual hair follicle and pushing a controlled electric current through the probes. This process causes damages to the follicle adequate to stop the growth of new hair. Most people need multiple treatments to get this permanent hair removal with this procedure. That’s due to the presence of multiple follicles and dormant follicles may begin to grow the hair in between the sessions in the form of precise cycles. A qualified and experienced dermatologist will customize the perfect plan for covering all types of hair in different growth cycles and induce the best results. Larger areas of the skin, such as arms or legs, will need multiple longer sessions to achieve effective results. If the target regions contain rough hair on the body there may be the requirement of multiple sessions.

Laser Hair Removal

  • Laser hair removal makes use of mild radiation through high-temperature lasers acting upon the hair follicles. The laser releases a light that is absorbed by the hair pigments. This energy from the light is transformed into heat, which damages the hair follicles to reduce the pace of hair growth. The lasers target the rough and dark hair easily and also treat many hairs in single sessions, which implies that minor areas can be treated within no time. While laser hair removal reduces hair growth significantly, it will not remove unwanted hair permanently. There may be some growth of hair, but it’ll grow fine and light in color than earlier. Regular maintenance treatments will surely increase the duration of the results.
  • Most individuals have mild irritations and ice will be used on the treatment region before the treatment to reduce any minor pain from the laser. There may be some amount of itching, redness, or swelling in the treatment region that fades off within a few days. There will be varying hair growth cycles, some hairs may be growing instantly while others may be inactive. So, laser hair removal will need several sessions to impact all the hairs as they come into the active growth stages. The number of laser hair removal treatments needed for comprehensive hair removal depends on initial results and precise individual hair growth regimen. The majority of patients will need four to six hair removal procedures, spaced a month apart.
  • After your procedure, you can resume your routine activities as per expert suggestions. You may observe some hairs shedding during and some after the treatment. This process will remain for around 3 weeks at which there will be the schedule of the next session. Some minor side effects comprise redness in the region and if you go to the sun without sunscreen, you will also observe skin discoloration.
  • Laser hair removal can be performed anyplace on the face and body, except near the eye region which makes it highly useful. There will not be any downtime and you can resume back to your normal activities after every procedure. Although there will be the development of new hairs you will see that they grow fine and light in color than earlier.
  • This procedure functions best on individuals with light skin and dark hair since the laser has highly shown successful results on dark colors. New hair growth will surely be less dense than earlier, and the new hair is usually a few shades lighter than the original color. Usually, the laser experts will evaluate the response and hair regrowth to schedule the next sessions. Once you’ve contended with the slower growth of hair, there may be a requirement to go in for one or two sessions a year for a maintenance treatment. 
  • Lasers can also enhance the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight; hence it is advised to refrain from sun exposure soon after the treatment. Patients who have undergone laser hair removal must refrain from sunlight for 6 weeks before treatment to avoid discoloration of the skin. Never forget to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day.

Which Is More Painful

Electrolysis halts the hair growth entirely, while laser hair removal only reduces the speed and thins it over the long run. Electrolysis is effective on any hair or skin type but laser functions best on individuals with light skin and dark hair. As electrolysis inserts a fine probe into every hair follicle by sending an electrical pulse through it. Patents will experience more pain, defined as a pricking feeling. Experts will advise you to take a pain reliever one hour before the treatment and also to apply ice after the session. Electrolysis is experienced as more painful than laser hair removal procedures. The laser process is a much fast and proven method than other procedures of hair removal. It feels like tiny pinpricks and is considered less painful than electrolysis due to its faster pace and doesn’t involve interacting with each follicle individually. Even though Laser hair removal is a faster, less painful process, the overall cost will be dependent on the scheduling of the number of sessions. There may be the requirement of more sessions according to the response.

Final thoughts

The Wellness Co. an EC Clinic Santee CA has been serving people for several years, with the main focus on aiding experience your best. We are well versed in med spa treatments, health and wellness procedures, hormone therapy, laser hair removal, IV therapy, etc.

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