
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Is it right for you?

BHRT Therapy for Aged Couple at Santee, CA by The Wellness Co.

Maturity lets our bodies go through different levels. Whether it may be for aging or hormonal changes. A decline in hormone levels causes significant changes in the body. While there may be other solutions, Bioidentical Hormones Replacement Therapy can be used as a treatment. 

To understand bioidentical hormones, The Wellness Co. is here to help you with your concerns. Our doctors and staff are professional, skilled, and willing to assist you with your goals. Stay tuned with us here in this post to get more details. 

Bioidentical Hormones: What are they? 

Bioidentical hormones are synthetic hormones designed to mimic the hormones produced by the body’s glands. Hormone replacement therapy with bioidentical hormones can aid those with hormone deficiency or imbalance symptoms.

This is a common occurrence among women having perimenopause or menopause symptoms. Substances produced by the endocrine glands are hormones. They are messengers that teach other body areas how and when to function.

Hormones influence numerous biological functions and systems. Even the slightest imbalance can result in symptoms that interfere with your daily life. Medical practitioners may recommend hormone replacement treatment to treat these symptoms.

More about BHRT

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses hormones that come from plants. Most of the time, bioidentical estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are used. Pharmaceutical companies make some forms of bioidentical hormones that are already made.

Several bioidentical hormones have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States. Bioidentical hormones are made by a pharmacist based on a prescription from a healthcare provider.

These are hormones that have been mixed with each other. The FDA has not looked at the compounded formulations and given them approval. Plant-based products are often marketed as “natural” choices. Still, during processing, they are changed in a lab and are no longer natural.

Advantages of BHRT

As people age and their hormone levels decline, BHRT is commonly prescribed, particularly for women in perimenopause or menopause. It is used to raise hormone levels and alleviate moderate to severe menopause symptoms, such as:

  • Warm flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Mood swings
  • Memory impairment
  • Weight gain, sleep difficulties
  • Disinterest in sex or discomfort during intercourse

In addition to alleviating symptoms, hormone replacement therapy may lessen the likelihood of developing diabetes, tooth loss, and cataracts. There is evidence that it can help enhance skin thickness, moisture, and suppleness, as well as diminish the appearance of wrinkles.

BHRT has demonstrated efficacy in enhancing the overall well-being and quality of life of cancer patients undergoing treatments that impact their estrogen levels. 

In one study, cancer patients who received BHRT had alleviation from treatment-related side effects such as headaches, incontinence, reduced libido, and sleeplessness. The study also revealed that their breast cancer recurrence rate was comparable to the national norm.

BHRT Safety Treatment

In contrast to bioidentical hormones, many routinely prescribed synthetic hormones introduce foreign substances that produce hazardous by-products, resulting in a wide range of adverse effects and more severe problems such as an increased risk of cancer and heart disease. 

Hormone replacement therapy using bioidentical hormones is safe and free of the hazards associated with synthetic hormones. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is gaining popularity as an alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy. 

Studies have demonstrated that the long-term health benefits of natural hormone optimization minimize the risk of age-related disorders (i.e., cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke, and senility).

Health Risk and Dangers

While the FDA has approved several bioidentical estradiol and progesterone preparations, it has not approved any bioidentical hormones that have been synthesized. 

There are claims that bioidentical hormones are safer and more effective than conventional HRT since their chemical structure is identical to naturally occurring hormones. 

These assertions, however, have not been substantiated by credible, large-scale studies. The FDA recommends using compounded products with caution.

According to research, hormone replacement treatment may increase the risk of various disorders and diseases, such as:

  • thrombus-related strokes
  • gallbladder disease
  • cardiac disease
  • cervical cancer

BHRT may sometimes be accompanied by adverse effects, especially in the beginning, as your body adjusts to the hormones. Common BHRT side effects may include blemishes, bloating, weight gain, and exhaustion. 

There can also be an effect like mood swings leading to a rise in facial hair for women. Many individuals are ineligible for BHRT or any sort of hormone replacement. The risks and likelihood of adverse consequences may differ depending on a woman’s medical history. Before utilizing hormone replacement treatment, discuss the advantages and cons with your doctor.

What alternatives exist to hormone therapy?

You may get menopausal hot flashes by adopting a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining a low body temperature, reducing caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, and practicing paced, calm breathing or other relaxation techniques. 

Several non-hormonal prescription drugs may assist in treating hot flashes. A vaginal moisturizer or lubricant may relieve vaginal issues such as dryness or uncomfortable sexual activity. 

You may also consult your physician about the prescription of ospemifene (Osphena), which may assist with painful intercourse sessions.

BHRT Treatment Plan

At The Wellness Co., here’s what you can expect upon having the treatment. Our doctors will assist you and set the following ground plan for BHRT. Here’s what to expect: 

  • Discussion of the patient’s medical history and the advantages of BHRT.
  • Initial hormone testing by measuring serum levels.
  • Consultation to discuss the results and the recommended treatment protocol.
  • Prescriptions for hormones are written, and patient compliance is stressed.
  • The patient initiates hormone treatment.
  • Repeat serum testing to confirm that appropriate concentrations have been reached.
  • A further visit to review results and recommend any required adjustments.

BHRT For A Change In Your Body

Low or otherwise imbalanced hormone levels may be associated with symptoms that BHRT can alleviate. However, there are substantial dangers and adverse effects related to BHRT that you must discuss with your doctor. 

Many women should avoid hormone replacement therapy. If you elect to undergo BHRT, you should utilize the smallest effective dose for the shortest duration possible. Contact us here at The Wellness Co. to help you with this matter. 

Our clinic and doctors are open and more than happy to assist you. We hope to see you! 

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