
6 Things to Do Before and After Your Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Laser Hair Removal Session at Santee, CA by The Wellness Co.

Laser hair removal has become a standard cosmetic procedure because of its speed and effectiveness. It is a non-invasive process that removes unwanted hair from the roots. It is done by using a laser beam that targets hair follicles in the skin to slow down future growth. 

Several sessions are necessary to target the hair follicles throughout their development. Most patients require at least four to six treatments to achieve permanent, long-term results. It is most effective for people with light skin and dark hair. Laser hair removal successfully delays hair growth, and here’s why you should consider this treatment.

How does Laser Hair Removal work?

Any area of the body can receive a laser hair removal treatment. Still, the areas most people choose are the back, bikini area, face, legs, and underarms. Several laser hair removal technologies are on the market depending on the person’s skin type, hair type, and hair thickness. Even though it uses different kinds of light, the process for hair removal is the same. 

Before the process, the skin will be disinfected, the hair to be treated will be clipped, and a numbing gel may be used. Light pulses are directed at hair follicles (which should be in an anagen or growth stage) in the treatment area, and the pigment in the follicles absorbs the light, causing the hair to be destroyed. 

The size and position of the treatment area influence the length of a laser hair removal process. Still, treatment times usually range from a few minutes to an hour. When used by inexperienced hands, the laser can cause burns and scars. An expert must perform the procedure to reduce the risk of damage to the skin.

What to Expect from a Laser Hair Removal Session

During the session, the extreme heat from the pulsed laser breaks up the hair follicles, inhibiting hair growth. You may experience irritation, such as a warm pinprick and a chill from the cooling device or gel.

The recovery period after the treatment is usually short, and you may resume everyday activities with few restrictions. Some hairs will fall out during or immediately after the treatment, lasting about 21 days. Then, you can reschedule your next laser hair removal appointment. 

6 Things to Do Before Your Laser Hair Removal Treatments

It is imperative to consult with your doctor before taking the procedure. To prevent any issues during the session, it is crucial to complete these preparation steps before your laser hair removal treatment.:

  1. Take a good bath. Use a gentle cleanser or soap and clean the skin thoroughly before entering the facility. 
  2. Keep out of the sun. Do not expose the skin area to be treated under the sun, as it may cause skin discoloration after the treatment. If it is unavoidable, wear sunscreen or sunblock.
  3. Shave. Preserve the root by shaving the area to be treated 24 hours before the session. Intense light pulses will directly target the follicles, so it is essential to leave the hair shaved.
  4. Avoid bleaching, plucking, or waxing. Lasers will destroy the hair follicles, and it is necessary to keep the roots intact on the skin. The hair with darker colors absorbs lasers. Bleaching the hair can make the treatment less effective.
  5. Do not use topical products that cause photosensitivity. Avoid effects such as hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, retinol, and benzoyl peroxide 72 hours before the appointment. It may harm the skin since the laser will be used on the area to be treated.
  6. No makeup or creams. There are elements in creams, deodorants, and lotions that can alter the results of the laser hair removal treatment.

6 Things to Do After Your Laser Hair Removal Treatments

After the laser hair removal session, you may see immediate changes in the treated area. It is normal, and there is nothing to be afraid of. After-care will prevent any severe effects of the treatment, so it is essential to do the following:

  1. Use a cold compress. Redness and swelling can be seen in the treated area. You may put on a cold compress to alleviate the pain.
  2. Tylenol helps. If there is pain or discomfort, you may take medications for pain relief, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  3. Clean the area with gentle soap. Use only mild soap products, and pat the skin dry with a towel when taking a bath for the first 48 hours after the treatment. Use cold water for cleansing and avoid hot baths.
  4. Avoid cosmetic products. For the first 24 hours after the session, let the redness or swelling disappear first and avoid using makeup, lotion, moisturizer, and deodorant.
  5. Do not stay under the sun. Your skin is sensitive after the laser hair removal treatment, so staying away from the sun is better. Usually, doctors recommend avoiding sun exposure for a month.
  6. Avoid scratching and shaving the treated area. Scratching and shaving may irritate the skin and prevent it from healing. 

Effects of Laser Hair Removal 

Laser hair removal is generally safe when done carefully by a skilled and knowledgeable doctor or dermatologist. There are also no published long-term side effects. Still, minor side effects are standard such as:

  • Immediately following treatment, the treated region may experience temporary swelling and redness.
  • Changes in skin color (pigmentation) can make the skin darker or lighter to some degree.
  • Skin irritation and crusting 

There are rare cases of side effects that may happen to the patient, such as 

  • Burns and blisters that may be painful or itchy
  • Scars that antibiotic creams can treat 
  • Hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation
  • Skin bacterial infections

There is nothing to be concerned about following a laser hair removal procedure. However, suppose specific skin reactions bother you and irritation continues. In that case, it is best to see your doctor immediately to get a prescription for the medication.


The laser hair removal process can be intimidating, but knowing what to do before and after the treatment will make you feel confident and worry-free!

Experience long-lasting results of laser hair removal treatment with The Wellness Co. now!

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