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Most of our body functions are controlled by the body’s hormones that perform the internal communication link between the various cells in the body. They control all the important aspects of the body such as digestion, immunity, appetite, mood changes, and libido, hence, when these hormones go out of balance even slightly, it can have a huge influence on the health and routine of the individual. As the men and women age, there will be a decline in hormone levels leading to variations in the body including low energy, weight gain, difficulty in sleeping, and decline of libido. Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) aids in bringing down these issues while also decreasing the risk of many diseases linked with aging.
What Is Bio – Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?
BHRT helps treat men and women who are facing issues of hormone imbalance. It will not lead to reverse the aging process but will ensure to maintain sound levels of hormones to reduce the symptoms and decrease the risks associated with aging. They enhance the energy in the body, weight loss, insomnia, and increased sex drive. Bioidentical hormones are manmade hormones resulting from plant estrogens that are chemically identical to those the human body produces. The commonly used ones in the treatment area Oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Bioidentical hormones are derived in different types such as pills, patches, creams, gels, and injections.
1. Identical to the Body’s Hormones:
- With bioidentical hormones, there will be no force to replace human hormones with other animal hormones. The bioidentical hormones are developed from plant sources to be synthesized to mimic the chemical structure of human hormones. Experienced doctors will design a specific plan for individuals depending on individual chemistry and requirements.
- The body will accept the bioidentical hormones more easily as their structure is similar to its hormones. There will be no side-effects as the body will accept them and is ok to be used over the long run.
- BHRT is available in various forms such as oral pills, surgically inserted pellet, and topical preparations. As you start the BHRT, the body will take a few days to get adjusted to the new hormones. Once this is done, there will be a visible change in the symptoms and the overall energy levels.
2. Minimal Side Effects:
Due to the same advantage of the interaction of the body with the natural bioidentical hormones, the majority of patients will experience less severe side effects than the normal hormone replacement therapy. Some patients may experience few changes such as tenderness in the breast, bloating, feeling tired, or changes in the menstrual cycles. But, as the bioidentical hormones often come with protective elements of the hormone, they are associated with minimal or no side effects.
3. Easier to Manage Hormone Levels
It is easy for medical experts to check and manage the hormone levels since they are the same as the body’s naturally developed hormones. While some of the healthcare providers suggest monitoring the management of symptoms rather than hormone levels is important, tracking them is crucial to develop a treatment plan.
4. Manages Menopause Issues:
- Menopause causes a drop in levels of estrogen leading to reduced lubrication in the vagina during sex. There will be painful sex and symptoms of dryness and itchiness in the vagina. The estrogen reduces the moisture present in the vagina promoting vaginal moisture and lubrication. This therapy will also rejuvenate the vulvar and urogenital region and make it younger. This may also benefit urine leakage issues urinary incontinence that affects many women when they cough, sneeze or laugh.
- Some individuals experience excessive heat that leads to the peeling of layers during the day or wakes up the person sweating heavily at night is due to the imbalance in the hypothalamus. When the hormones are out of balance, the thermostat of the body, the hypothalamus overreacts to the variations in temperature. If you take BHRT, hormone levels will be balanced as the hypothalamus will be less reactive.
5. Enhances the Health of Skin, Hair, and Bones:
- When the body is rejuvenated with a healthy hormonal balance, the skin becomes younger again. The body gets stimulated to produce essential proteins like collagen and elastin to give support to the skin. This will ensure that the skin will be free from wrinkles, sagginess, and end up with smooth and glowing skin.
- The variations in hormones can lead to hair fall issues leading to male-pattern baldness. As the hormones are balanced, it leads to stimulation of hair follicles and starts production of new hairs.
- Menopause leads to the production of more osteoclasts that break down old bone without stimulating new bone cells. Restoring the hormone levels with BHRT stabilizes the bone resorption and bone-building process.
- BHRT holds the capacity to reduce the chances of developing serious health conditions such as dementia and diabetes. This is because hormones help in managing the immune system of the body.
- BHRT can be customized by compounding or combining them with the required specifications from the medical expert. This aids in developing a customized plan depending on the precise needs of the patient.
What Is The Difference Between Bioidentical And Traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy?
BHRT employs hormones that are similar and matches the hormones that are naturally produced by the body. These natural hormones are developed using plants while traditional therapies mainly depend on animal hormones. It is researched that bioidentical hormones usually come with minimal side-effects and effective results. Therefore, many people across the globe are looking for this natural hormone replacement than traditional therapy. But it is key to select a skilled and experienced healthcare provider to meet your goals easily.
Bottom Line
Bioidentical hormone therapy is becoming a more popular alternative to traditional hormone replacement. But be assured to consult a specialist like Dawn Philp, FNP, at The Wellness Co. who is trained and experienced in diagnosing, treating, monitoring, and adjusting hormone levels for both men and women.